Ed Przybylski From Ohio

Are The Communists REALLY Taking Over?

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So for those of you who say “Nah that rumor about Democrat Leadership Being Communists is #Fakenews

You are 100% Wrong.
Here is what your Democrats are proposing

  1. 1) Lists of Those Who have a different viewpoint-Lists like the Trump Accountability List. These lists already being circulated include Judges, Supreme Court justices, anyone politically inclined to support Trump, their families, politicians, heads of agencies. The course of Action? Harass, antagonize, deny employment, avoid their businesses or services… in other words destroy their lives.

But don’t take my word for it https://gnews.org/539056/ Here are their own words. Notice on there you have a sitting congresswoman and a former officer of the Democratic National Committee.

2) They are the ones behind the defund the police movement and readily endorse the BLM movement whose founders are self-proclaimed Marxists.

They are in support of the green new deal – you know the plan that eliminates energy (coal, fracking, natural gas, oil), gets rid of farting cows and all them airplanes (except for their own private jets)

3) They also want to repeal the 94 crime bill (you know-the one piece of legislation that Joe Biden actually accomplished in 47 years)

4) They want to ban immigration enforcement and some even want to defund military spending in favor of more social workers.


But Don’t Take My Word For It…


Part of the problem in today’s society is they don’t know what these terms or ideas even mean to their lives. But TRUST me…
The Ones Who Are Doing KNOW What they are doing and they chaos that will ensue.Yet they are willing to sacrifice you on the alter of their power!

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