Ed Przybylski From Ohio

Blogging For Marketing And Leads

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Marketing And Leads

Blogging has become a very powerful method of Marketing and Leads generation. Why? Because blogs are a great place to get great information about whatever topic your prospects are looking for. It is a very non-threatening way for your potential prospects to learn more about the topic they are researching. If the blog is focused on a specific topic then they will search deeper into your topic and could spend hours in your blog. They will even come back for more news and information about the topic.

If you are someone who is attempting Marketing and Leads with a blog then you will want to have good content. This is also known as content marketing. Your quality content should answer questions that people have. The questions that you answer could even be questions that you have had about your topic. For example, let’s say you have the question “How Do I Market Using My Blog?”. Think of it this way, what would you type into Google or any other search engine. You would probably search “How To Market With A Blog?”.

Of course if you do not know the answer to your question you will want to first find the answer. Again, simply type that phrase into your favorite search engine and hit search. Most good articles are about 5-6 paragraphs or about 500 words long. So when you do your search you will most likely pull up thousands of articles, maybe millions. Now you just read the top 5 or 6 articles and learn the answer to your question if you don’t already know that answer.

Now your brain is full of knowledge on the question you posed. Take that knowledge and write your article. The article should be about 5-6 paragraphs long. More importantly, it should be about 550 words long. This will enable you to answer the question without getting boring and allows you to get right to the point. The other advantage to 550 word articles is that most article submission services also require articles to be about 500 words in length. TIP: Article Submission Services are also great places for great content for Marketing and Leads.

Now if you want your blog article to be found by Google and other search engines there are some things you need to do when writing. First, a good idea is to put the key word that YOU searched throughout the article. The first location is in the title. So the title for our example above would be “How Do I Market With A Blog”. Also make sure it is in the address of your domain name like this http://your domain.com/how-do-i-market-with-a-blog.

You will also want to use your phrase in the description of your blog. These are things that will help the search engines know exactly what your blog is about and that you are answering the right question.  You will want to put it in the first sentence of the first paragraph and the last sentence of the last paragraph. Your key phrase should also be mentioned about every 100-150 words. These little tweaks to your article will help the search engines to see that your article is where that search engine needs to direct people. This will put more people in front of your system of Marketing And Leads.

Marketing And Leads Generation

The more the search engines find your blog the more it will help you in your Marketing and Leads generation. This process is called SEO or search engine optimization. The kind discussed in this article is called “on page” SEO. A couple more changes will enhance your pages SEO as well.

Marketing And Leads SEO

You should insert a picture into your article on your blog and title and tag it with the same keyword phrase as your title. In the body you should italicize the keyword once, bold it once, and underline it once. It also helps if you use a couple subheadings and change the font size. There will most likely be a little drop down bar for the font type where you are typing your blog. You should use the <H1>, <H2>, and <H3> sizes one time each on your 3 subheadings.

Marketing and Leads With SEOPressor

One simple tool that breaks down these rules for you and automatically tells you what you are missing is SEOPressor. In conclusion, if you use the right format and these tips so that the search engines can recognize that your blog article is answering the question someone is asking or is actually dealing with exactly what that person is searching for then the search engines will put you at the top. The top 3 spots on a search engine is where the huge majority of people click  and if you are there for many various search topics you will get a lot of traffic to your blog. Master this traffic getting method and you will be blogging for Marketing and Leads.

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