President Bachmann

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Romney or Huntsman = Obama. Santorum couldn’t hold his own state. As much as I like Ron Paul, he cannot win the hearts of Conservative Christian America (which you need if you are to win) with his very liberal social views. Gingrich has too many flip flops and cannot even manage his own campaign team. Herman Cain supported tarp, bailouts, and romney and was a chair of one of the fed banks. pawlenty cannot even own up to a simple comment about Obomney-care.

Bachmann for President!

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2 thoughts on “President Bachmann

  1. Joseph Ewing

    The fact you say RON PAUL can’t win shows you have no faith in WE THE PEOPLE. There is something fishy about that. Are you saying that people can’t distinguish from church and state? I think people are so fed up with what is going on that RON PAUL will shine through. Bachmann with all due respect is another Sarah Palin. NO way!

  2. Ed Przybylski Post author

    I do have faith in We The People. But I believe their are varying groups of the conservative right. Most are religious. Some are Very Religious. Most are Very fiscally conservative. Some are Very Capitalistic free marketers. Some are Very Libertarian. Some people are Very much into the freedoms that our founding fathers meant to secure and propagate through this country and probably most resemble the tea party.

    One reason liberals have so much power is that they have combined all of the liberal leftist view points to have a hodge-podge majority. For example, and I am not passing any judgements here, they have FORMED A BROAD COALITION of union workers, government entitlement junkies, government employees, socialists, even communists, homosexuals, animal rights radicals, environmental radicals, anti capitalists, power hungry elitist leaders etc… to squeak out a 1/3 majority. Another 1/3 are apathetic or non voting. The last 1/3, and I actually believe their number is closer to around 40%, are conservatives. The religious right, patriots, free market capitalists, business owners, and people in love with this country MUST form their own coalition to take this country back.

    I believe Perry, Bachmann, Palin and any decent conservative could beat Obama right now. I worry though that Ron Paul (and I do like Ron Paul) cannot sway all of the religious right. I know he will lose many conservatives who believe in a limited but strong national defense. I also think he will lose many conservatives who think ‘some’ of his policies are nutty when it comes to national defense, homosexuals and marriage, and marijuana usage. I am not condemning that, but I think he will lose part of the conservative coalition that is needed in order to win.

    I also believe in the wisdom of our founding founders and that our constitution was a culmination of many of the brightest minds in history combined with their insight into their own fight for freedom and knowledge of how governments would always move toward an enslavement of its people, even if in the name of religion like some governments have in the past.

    When you mention church and state. They (the founders) did not include separation of church and state in the constitution. Not until the bill of rights in 1791 did they add the first amendment “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.” Notice that is a protection of religion,speech, press, and assembly; Not an elimination of their presence.

    The phrase separation of Church and state separation was not mentioned in the US constitution. It was brought up once in 1878 in a polygamy case. In the 1870s and 1890s attempts were made unsuccessfully to amend the constitution to guarantee separation of church and state. Prior to 1947, separation of church and state was not considered part of the constitution. Even then it was not by constitutional amendment but by judicial interpretation. By the way, 7 of the 9 justices who made the landmark 1947 rulings affecting church and state were nominated to the supreme court by FDR.

    I think (in alphabetical order-not bias) Bachmann, Palin, Paul, and Perry are all patriots and would vote for any of them. I would hope that Ron Paul could win but I think the line he walks with the further right combined with a lame main stream media makes it too close for comfort. On the other hand if we get a moderate nominee like romney or hunstman I think we are screwed. If they were to win, it won’t matter if they win or obama wins.

    That is exactly why obama is there now, because we had a McCain and the Bush’s. The liberal left wing media has convinced republicans that to win they must be “moderate” to win. I would say though that moderate republican just means you are a democrat. People who say they are democrat are most likely far left.

    Just facts plus my viewpoint and you are welcome to disagree.


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