Get High Quality FREE Leads By Giving Away FREE Stuff!

By | August 2, 2015
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freestuffequalsfreeleadsSo there are different ways to generate leads. One of course it to be the pitch man always selling. Buy My Stuff, Buy My Stuff!  Another way to get FREE High quality leads though is to provide some value, in other words give away something that your prospect wants.

For Example: Let’s say you were selling a weight loss product. You could have a capture page set up where they enter their contact info and in return they get a sales pitch on your latest weight loss wonder drug.


You could offer a FREE REPORT with some simple weight loss tips. Like “FREE REPORT Reveals 5 Simple Methods to Shed an Extra 5 Pounds With No Effort.” Then when they click to get the Free Report your page asks them to enter their email so we can send you the report. “VOILA!!” You just got a highly targeted weight loss lead from someone who is obviously interested in shedding some pounds.

Now this strategy can be applied to any market or niche. In fact, right now I would like to show you how I have applied it to the home business niche and how you can STEAL My Give Away and My FREE REPORT to generate your own highly targeted business opportunity leads starting today.

Just 2 days ago I released my FREE REPORT top-5-tools-from-ed-przybylski-edfromohio“TOP 5 TOOLS For Generating Unlimited Leads On Demand!”

Now keep in mind I have done absolutely NO Paid marketing to get these Highly Targeted Leads.But the results have been pretty cool.

All I have done so far, since just 2 days ago, is send out a small email and make a post on Facebook.

Let me show you the results:

14FreeFReportLeadsAfter 1 day having released this FREE REPORT I received about 14 Leads.

Here is just a little proof off to the right of the first 24 hours.



Then over the first 48 hours of simply giving away this FREE REPORT my FREE LEADS were up to about 25. Pretty cool.

But just because they are giving me their email address does not mean they are High Quality.

Let me show you exactly why these are high quality leads.


First off, they decided to GET MY FREE Report on My TOP 5 TOOLS for generating unlimited leads. Let’s analyze these prospects a little bit. These prospects obviously:

  1. are interested in tools to build a home business-so they are entrepreneurs
  2. are most likely already in a business of some sort which is why they want the report in the first place
  3. if they are in a business of some sort then they are what we call a BUYER lead, meaning they are someone who doesn’t just kick tires but they actually spend money
  4. They are actively building and taking action and learning.

Think about those qualities in your team. Isn’t that EXACTLY what you are looking for? Entrepreneurs who are action taking buyers actively learning and participating in a business.

So every time you give away this FREE REPORT you are gaining one of these individuals on your list. And if your list has any automation then it should be following up regularly with more value and showing the benefits of what your tools, team, and company can do for them. That is how you start monetizing your new powerful list.

Imagine if you could give away 10 of these a day. That would be 3650 high quality value prospects on your list for free within a year. You know what they say. Every Person on your list is worth about $1 a month. How would you like to have an extra $3600 a month coming in to your bank account from FREE leads every month?

So how can you copy my success and the success of hundreds of people giving away FREE REPORTS. I mean obviously creating your own FREE Report is not the easiest thing to do. The cool thing about this FREE REPORT is that you GET YOUR OWN COPY and give it away as well. But when you do, those High Quality Value leads get added to YOUR system.

Try It Out Free For A Limited Time Now! << Click Here To Get The Report

Once you have your report (or open it if you already downloaded it) Then Click On The Link IN THE REPORT to Try Out Your Own System FREE

Then Get Your Free Report Link and Give It Away To Others!!

top-5-tools-from-ed-przybylski-edfromohioIf you want a copy of my Free Report or want to give it away FREE to generate your own High Quality Leads then go ahead and Click the image and get your copy today…


Try It Out Free For A Limited Time Now! << Click Here To Get The Report

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