Empower Network San Diego Fight the Forces of Evil

Empower Network San Diego Fight the Forces of Evil


If You Were Not at The Empower Network San Diego Fight the Forces of Evil event you are probably broke. To get where YOU want to be YOU need to FOCUS and have INTENTION. In this video I lay out the step by step “Intentions” for MASSIVE WEALTH!

If you are missing the Empower Network San Diego Fight the Forces of Evil Event YOU CAN STILL GET ALL IN by clicking THE DAVID WOOD on the right.

Empower Network San Diego Fight the Forces of Evil

  • Empower Network Blue Ribbons

    Empower Network Blue Ribbons. 1/3 of the people here are NEW Success. If You Want Success. Get In. GET ALL IN.

    Find the homeless dude making $250,000 a month and watch our FREE Video.

  • Rapper Ice T on US gun control (20July12)

    Rapper Ice T on US gun control (20July12)

    Rapper Ice T on US gun control suggests that people strap bombs to themselves all the time if they decide to go on a killing spree. While I disagree there I do agree with Ice T’s statement which originated with Thomas Jefferson that purpose of the right to bear arms is essential for “We the People” to be able to protect ourselves from the tyranny of governments.

    If you want more information how to Legally Protect YOURSELF you should check out http://ccwprotection.com.

    For those of you who debate that guns should be controlled think about this; did you know that more people are killed by the automobile each year than by guns? Think about that.

    A vehicle created to transport KILLS MORE than guns which are created for the sole purpose of killing.

    I would say that is a pretty strong safety record. Also think about this; if automobiles are obviously more dangerous than guns why are gun control freaks screaming to ban automobiles, oh wait, they have enviro-whackos doing that.

    If you want to see how to profit from this gun debate by posting your opinions can make you money no matter what side of the debate you are on then watch the FREE video on the right. David Wood, the formerly homeless van man has become a 7 figure earner because of the strategy found in this FREE VIDEO and this strategy having of Ice T help make money.

    I also posted this video on http://www.empowernetwork.com/edfromohio/all/us-concealed-carry/rapper-ice-t-on-us-gun-control-20july12/


    The most important Webinar that you’ll ever see

    This is maybe the most important Webinar that you’ll ever see:

    Because in about 2 minutes, you’re going to see
    live… in Florida:
    David Wood (million dollar Genius)
    David Sharpe (million dollar earner)
    Aaron Rashkin (million dollar earner)
    Toby Black ($100k per month earner)
    Lawrence Tam ($100k per month earner)
    Jose Rivera ($30k per month earner)
    Chris Record  (earned $26k in the last 11 days)
    Peter Sorenson (six figure earner)
    Chuck Marshall (earned a half million last year)
    Tracey Walker (now earning half a million)
    Nicole Cooper (multiple six figure earner)
    Tony Rush ($100k per month earner)
    Kevin & Melissa Knecht ($30,000 per month earners)
    Arthur Tubman (multiple six figure earner)
    …and MORE.
    Because if you love your family, and care about your
    future…. you’ll drop whatever your doing right now,
    and be there, live, to see it.
    We’re going to show you how [THE FORMULA]
    we’ve earned collectively $21.4 million in the last
    13 months… all from home… without picking up
    the phone… and if you attend:
    We’re even going to offer a ‘special bonus‘ on ‘how’
    you can get into profit, using this secret formula:
    And you’ll never be able to get the bonus again.
    -David Wood
    The Magic Man
    Here’s the badassery, that you’re about to join, when
    you click on the photo now:
    (if the page isn’t live yet, come back in just a minute – we go live at
    The income stories in this email, and that we’ll share tonight DO NOT
    guarantee that you’ll make any money at all…
    …we’re just going to show you what WE’VE DONE, that doesn’t
    promise that it will work for you.

    Be A Better Monavie Distributor

    Be A Better Monavie Distributor


    You can be a better Monavie Distributor. There are certain traits that help us be all that we can be when it comes to distributing products. (click for More)

    Empower Network Success Leaves Clues. Here is A SUCCESS CLUE!

    Empower Network Success Leaves Clues. GET A CLUE!


    Time is Of ESSENCE. Successful people ACT!

    Here are a few short videos from me (Ed Przybylski From Ohio), David Wood and the Guys who helped us get to the top.

    FIRST: What Systems Do We Use?


    SECOND: What Does David Wood Say About Them?

    THIRD: Learn What These Top Dawgs Teach Every Wednesday For FREE!



    FOURTH: Try The Same Empower Network Success System That The Top Empower People Use To Earn 6 Figure Incomes.

    Then Request FROM ME David Wood’s FREE PRIVATE Article Content Marketing Training AND David Sharpe’s FREE PRIVATE Craigslist Marketing Training




    Rob Fore 15k Formula Tip of The Day

    Rob Fore 15k Formula Tip of The Day

    So what is it like to get tips straight from the masters of the internet universe? I mean imagine if you were a real estate developer and you had a chance to hang out with Donald Trump? Or what if you were a small town mayor and had a chance to hang out with the president and his friends?

    Well in the world of internet marketing and home based businesses there has been a gathering of the most elite marketing minds in the world. These marketers are the best of the best. The creators of the company where they are all converging generate more leads, traffic, and sales in their sleep in a week than most good reps generate in a year. Sometimes the owners are referred to as “the Daves” or Dave squared. But in any case the “gods” of marketing are converging on their little company because of this crazy concept called 100% commissions.

    How can they offer crazy commissions? Well all of the products are delivered digitally. Meaning the only costs involved after the production of training for instance, is hosting. Training products can have immense value yet a low cost after the actual production is finished. Take college for instance. Some pay 10’s of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of dollars for that training in hopes of finding a better job for their future.

    Well in the Empower Network David and David have top marketers in the industry do training…. FOR FREE. No pitches. No selling. No Offers. Just PURE Unadulterated content. Then the trainings are stored in various levels of products so all the members can not only purchase and learn from them but also SELL THEM FOR 100% Commissions.

    Now These are elite marketers. Marketers like Rob Fore. Rob is a guy who is earning multiple 6 figures in multiple companies at the same time. AND HE’S BEEN DOING IT FOR NEARLY A DECADE! I would say that he might know a little about marketing… what do you think?

    So Rob Fore had his chance last night to teach in the 15k Formula some crazy traffic guru secrets. Like how to produce content, post it on your blog, NOT get ranked in the search engines, and still generate 100’s of 1000’s of views and tons of traffic resulting in sales.

    Now I could sit here and try to teach you what Rob taught except for a couple problems. 1) I wouldn’t do it nearly as well. 2) That is exclusive content sold in the Empower Network 15k formula. 3) His training alone is worth a thousand bucks and can only be gotten inside the 15k formula along with 20+ other super marketers. Get It here!

    But I would like to give you just one Rob Fore 15k Formula Tip of The Day. One thing Rob mentioned that he does to explode his efforts in any company was really genius. Whenever he joins a new company he looks and sees what the top 5 are doing to be the top 5. Number 1 may be deep enough of a look down the rabbit hole. Then he simply copies exactly what those guys are doing. Monkey see monkey do. Monkey gets same results as other monkey.

    For example, Rob Fore joined MyLeadSystemPro. He looked at the top earner in the company(which also happened to be David Wood at the time. He copied Dave’s crappy looking (at the time) blog. Put content and back links and now actually ranks number 2 in that company. He is doing the same now with Empower Network and is again ranking number one in their latest contest.
    Attraction Marketing System

    So if you want to earn multiple 6-figures by marketing like Rob Fore 1) learn what he is doing found in the 15k formula or purchase his individual training right here 2) copy it to the down and dirty nitty gritty 3) use The same marketing system (webmarketingandleads.com) that he is using 4) start getting 100 percent commissions.

    That was just one tip from last nights training and that training went on for well over an hour. If that one tip helps you earn a ton of money it was worth it to Purchase the 15k Formula training. Imagine the dozens of other techniques and tips included in just this on training out of the dozens here. It’s not just worth a thousand bucks, It’s worth to me 100’s of $1,000’s of dollars.

    If you want those 100 percent commissions and more of Rob Fore’s 15k Formula Tips of The Day be sure to get your 15k formula right here right now. Or just click one of the banners on this page and learn more about the money that could be in your pocket with the right training and action.