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Cancel Culture: What You Gonna Do When They Come For You?

There are now companies like Coke forcing their employees to go through training courses to “be less white.”
Amazon is BANNING Conservative books by calling conservative speech “Hate Speech.”

It IS Time To Make A Stand!
Bad Decisions: The Joe Biden Story
STILL NOT MY President!
Contested Election of 1876: Rutherford B. Hayes Vs. Samuel Tilden
Contested Election of 1876
Rutherford B. Hayes Vs. Samuel Tilden
During The 2020 Election, Many People Are Asking What Avenues Trump May Have To Win The Presidency. For that reason I have gathered this bit of information from Wikipedia.
Rutherford B. Hayes success in Ohio immediately elevated him to the top ranks of Republican politicians under consideration for the presidency in 1876. The Ohio delegation to the 1876 Republican National Convention was united behind him. The convention selected Representative William A. Wheeler from New York for vice president.
The Democratic nominee was Samuel J. Tilden, the governor of New York. Tilden was considered a formidable adversary who, like Hayes, had a reputation for honesty. Like Hayes, Tilden was a hard-money man and supported civil service reform.
The poor economic conditions made the party in power unpopular and made Hayes suspect he would lose the election. Both candidates concentrated on the swing states of New York and Indiana, as well as the three southern states—Louisiana, South Carolina, and Florida—where Reconstruction Republican governments still barely ruled, amid recurring political violence, including widespread efforts to suppress freedman voting. The Republicans emphasized the danger of letting Democrats run the nation so soon after southern Democrats had provoked the Civil War and, to a lesser extent, the danger a Democratic administration would pose to the recently won civil rights of southern blacks.
As the returns were tallied on election day, it was clear that the race was close: Democrats had carried most of the South, as well as New York, Indiana, Connecticut, and New Jersey. In the Northeast, an increasing number of immigrants and their descendants voted Democratic. Although Tilden won the popular vote and claimed 184 electoral votes, Republican leaders challenged the results and charged Democrats with fraud and voter suppression of blacks (who would otherwise have voted Republican) in Florida, Louisiana, and South Carolina.
Republicans realized that if they held the three disputed unredeemed southern states together with some of the western states, they would emerge with an electoral college majority.
Disputed electoral votes
On November 11, three days after election day, Tilden appeared to have won 184 electoral votes, one short of a majority. Hayes appeared to have 166, with the 19 votes of Florida, Louisiana, and South Carolina still in doubt. Republicans and Democrats each claimed victory in the three latter states, but the results in those states were rendered uncertain because of fraud by both parties. To further complicate matters, one of the three electors from Oregon (a state Hayes had won) was disqualified, reducing Hayes’s total to 165, and raising the disputed votes to 20. If Hayes was not awarded all 20 disputed votes, Tilden would be elected president.
Results of the 1876 election,
with states won by Hayes in RED,
and those won by Tilden in BLUE
There was considerable debate about which person or house of Congress was authorized to decide between the competing slates of electors, with the Republican Senate and the Democratic House each claiming priority. By January 1877, with the question still unresolved, Congress and President Grant agreed to submit the matter to a bipartisan Electoral Commission, which would be authorized to determine the fate of the disputed electoral votes. The Commission was to be made up of five representatives, five senators, and five Supreme Court justices. To ensure partisan balance, there would be seven Democrats and seven Republicans, with Justice David Davis, an independent respected by both parties, as the 15th member. The balance was upset when Democrats in the Illinois legislature elected Davis to the Senate, hoping to sway his vote. Davis disappointed Democrats by refusing to serve on the Commission because of his election to the Senate. As all the remaining Justices were Republicans, Justice Joseph P. Bradley, believed to be the most independent-minded of them, was selected to take Davis’s place on the Commission. The Commission met in February and the eight Republicans voted to award all 20 electoral votes to Hayes. Democrats, outraged by the result, attempted a filibuster to prevent Congress from accepting the Commission’s findings.
As inauguration day neared, Republican and Democratic Congressional leaders met at Wormley’s Hotel in Washington to negotiate a compromise. Republicans promised concessions in exchange for Democratic acquiescence to the Committee’s decision. The main concession Hayes promised was the withdrawal of federal troops from the South and an acceptance of the election of Democratic governments in the remaining “unredeemed” southern states. The Democrats agreed, and on March 2, the filibuster was ended. Hayes was elected, but Reconstruction was finished, and freedmen were left at the mercy of white Democrats who did not intend to preserve their rights.
Everything You Need to Know About Joe and Hunter Biden Brutally Summed Up in Three Cartoons
I found this article in the Federalist Papers Written by
Here is everything you need to know about Democrat nominee for President Joe Biden and his son Hunter Biden brutally summed up in three cartoons:
Do those about sum it up?
No matter how you slice it the Biden’s are corrupt as all can be.
For example…
Joe Biden Outed In Bombshell Email Exchange Proving That He Knew About Hunter Biden’s Ukraine Dealings
A bombshell reveal to The New York Post with regard to a massive trove of email correspondence that reveals intimate details of Hunter Biden’s business dealings in Ukraine means Democrat presidential nominee Joe Biden has a lot to answer for in the coming days, having firmly and repeatedly denied any involvement in his son’s overseas dealings throughout his campaign.
According to Fox News, in April 2019, a person brought a water-logged Macbook laptop into a computer repair store located in Delaware — the state that Biden calls home. The repair shop owner soon discovered a vast amount of what appeared to be email correspondence between Burisma officials and Hunter Biden, along with his business partner, Devon Archer.
Law enforcement was made aware of the data on the laptop which was then quickly seized by the FBI, but not before the computer repair shop owner made a copy of the hard drive, which he would later turn over to Robert Costello, a lawyer for former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani, who turned over the data to the NY Post on Sunday.
Here Is Where It Gets Very Interesting:
While there are a number of shocking revelations contained within the computer’s hard drive, one that rises to the top is the indication that Joe Biden met with a top Burisma executive nearly a year before a Ukrainian prosecutor looking into the company — including board member Hunter Biden — was fired due to government pressure. Joe Biden has maintained that the prosecutor was fired for corruption concerns, but the emails seem to tell a different story.
That’s not to mention the glaring fact that the alleged meeting between Joe Biden and Burisma adviser Vadym Pozharskyi has never once been mentioned or acknowledged by the former Vice President.
The meeting between the two, which would suggest that Joe Biden did, in fact, assert his political pressure to save the company — and his handsomely paid son — from legal trouble from the Ukrainian government, was brought to light in the following email, which was sent to Hunter Biden about a year after Hunter joined the Burisma board.
“Dear Hunter, thank you for inviting me to DC and giving an opportunity to meet your father and spent [sic] some time together. It’s realty [sic] an honor and pleasure,” Pozharskyi wrote.
Adding to that, an email from May 2014 — roughly a year before the the appreciation email sent by Pozharskyi — asked Hunter Biden for “advice on how you could use your influence” to help Burisma.
Another email, according to the Daily Wire, seems to show Hunter Biden using his dad’s powerful political influence to increase his staggering monthly retainer that Burisma was paying him and his partner.
The April 2014 email from Hunter Biden to a Burisma official referred to his father as “my guy,” with the email essentially saying that if the money is right, the outcome of “my guy’s” visit could be valuable to the company.
“The announcement of my guys [sic] upcoming travels should be characterized as part of our advice and thinking- but what he will say and do is out of our hands,” Hunter Biden wrote. “In other words it could be a really good thing or it could end up creating too great an expectation. We need to temper expectations regarding that visit.”
“This is a huge step for us that could easily become very complicated. And if we are not protected financially regardless of the outcome we could find ourselves frozen out of a lot of current and future opportunities.”
“The contract should begin now- not after the upcoming visit of my guy,” the email stated. “That should include a retainer in the range of 25k p/m w/ additional fees where appropriate for more in depth work to go to BSF for our protection. Complete separate from our respective deals re board participation.”
Hunter Biden, in an email to his partner, said that it was time to “buy a cell phone from a 7/11 or CVS” and also pointed out that they needed to figure out how to safely and properly set up a corporate shell in order to “draw on funds generated here to free us from existing (under-producing current commitments) and to build our own investment and expansion strategy. Maintaining the status quo is not an option.”
The bottom line here is that Joe Biden has finally been exposed. Hunter Biden’s emails paints a clear picture that not only did he use his father to gain massive financial advantages in his position on the Burisma board, but even more importantly, Biden has been caught red-handed in a years-long lie that he wasn’t involved in his son’s dealings.
Let’s see how the left and the liberal media responds to this.
I hope you enjoyed this article from Federalist…
Are The Communists REALLY Taking Over?
So for those of you who say “Nah that rumor about Democrat Leadership Being Communists is #Fakenews “
You are 100% Wrong.
Here is what your Democrats are proposing
1) Lists of Those Who have a different viewpoint-Lists like the Trump Accountability List. These lists already being circulated include Judges, Supreme Court justices, anyone politically inclined to support Trump, their families, politicians, heads of agencies. The course of Action? Harass, antagonize, deny employment, avoid their businesses or services… in other words destroy their lives.
But don’t take my word for it Here are their own words. Notice on there you have a sitting congresswoman and a former officer of the Democratic National Committee.
2) They are the ones behind the defund the police movement and readily endorse the BLM movement whose founders are self-proclaimed Marxists.
They are in support of the green new deal – you know the plan that eliminates energy (coal, fracking, natural gas, oil), gets rid of farting cows and all them airplanes (except for their own private jets)
3) They also want to repeal the 94 crime bill (you know-the one piece of legislation that Joe Biden actually accomplished in 47 years)
4) They want to ban immigration enforcement and some even want to defund military spending in favor of more social workers.
But Don’t Take My Word For It…
Part of the problem in today’s society is they don’t know what these terms or ideas even mean to their lives. But TRUST me…
The Ones Who Are Doing KNOW What they are doing and they chaos that will ensue.Yet they are willing to sacrifice you on the alter of their power!
China Tells NBA to Shut Up and Dribble and Lebron Does!!
This Kool Aid Made Me Look Like This… SEE My PICs
The Income Method Opportunity
Garth Brooks Sees Breast Cancer Sign and Gets Off Stage
I’ve been to a lot of concerts in my life. One person I have never had a chance to see but always wanted to was Garth Brooks.
On the other hand, we have dealt with illness in our family, Chemo-therapy, radiation, surgeries etc. We know how rough and tough it can be on a family and how it is to feel beat up at the end and in the middle of all that.
So I Have to say when I saw this video it brought me some tears when I heard about Theresa Shaw. She is battling stage 3 breast cancer and actually attended a Garth Brooks concert the same evening of the day she had chemotherapy.
During the concert, Mr. Brooks noticed a sign she was holding. He stepped down and sat on the edge of the stage to meet Theresa. He finished his song, singing directly to her and even gave her his guitar.
Maybe I’m older now and more sentimental but you should watch this video. This guy has a lot of class and a big heart. It makes me want to see him even more in the future. How about you?