Solavei Files Bankruptcy, Is it the End?

Oh No Say it isn’t so…

Solavei Files Bankruptcy, but Is it the End? I hope not because I actually like the company.


I am not in Solavei because I like a business model that makes me more money faster and easier. BUT I like the fact that people can get paid for something they are already using. I like the mlm industry in general. I love people being in their own business.

So here is what Solavei is saying:

I would like to do some clarifying so you have the whole picture and understand what is going on.
Chapter 11 is used to reorganize businesses just as American Airlines, Macy’s and other companies have done. Solavei will continue to operate as it does currently. Mobile service will not be affected, your compensation will not be affected and business will run as usual. The only thing this process allows us to do is renegotiate our contracts with our vendors to ensure long-term viability and better position the company for continued growth and expansion.…/Social-Commerce-Network…
Please read the website we posted yesterday and let me know if you have any further questions. Thanks!

Personally, we can only hope that re-organiztion for them works. However, if they need a Chapter 11 to help “reorganize” that means things are not “Flying High.”

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“Go For No” – Book Review by Richard Fenton & Andrea Waltz

In This Article you will find the most important information you want to know about “Go For No” the Book written by Richard Fenton & Andrea Waltz
So I Just Finished “GO FOR NO” by Fenton & Waltz. Yes is the Destination. NO is the way to get there. I had it referred to me by Ray Higdon. It’s a REALLLLY Easy read.

Go For No Richard Fenton

Go For No Richard Fenton

In the Go For No book, the main focus is on going after a quota of NO’s instead of the traditional YES. People who Go For NO book more appointments in the long run than typical associates, they are not dependent and pressured on whether or not they get the YES and will neccessarily have a more consistent work ethic. I actually found the Go For No book to be a fresh take on being a sales person.

So, One Cool Concept I got out of “Go For No” is this: Typical Sales People (sales is the highest paid position in the world imho) go for X number of yes’s for the week. Let’s say your goal was a Yes every day. And Let’s assume you know it takes you personally 25 tries to get a Yes. That means you would need about 125 connects a week with 25 prospects a day to hit your 5 Yes’s or 1 a day.

So you start out Monday and get through about 20 contacts and get your typical one yes. Tuesday rolls around and you are feeling good. You go through about 15 prospects and actually get 2 yes’s. Man you are on fire so you go home early and celebrate… wooohooo 3 sales in 2 days. Wednesday rolls around and you decide to do some paper work, come in a little later, leave a little earlier, you know the drill, after all you are ahead and hit Wednesdays YES on Tuesday. In fact on Wednesday you only make 5 calls and NO sales. Thursday comes and you don’t feel so hot. You feel crappy all day and can only get through 20 calls and get the big DONUT HOLE – you know ZERO sales. Friday comes and you are under the gun having only hit 3 sales for the week. So you hustle up and call your 25 calls for the day and even if you make your 1 sale out of 25, your one sale for the day, you still fell short of your 5 sales a week, one sale a day goal.

You also only made 85 calls for the week, when you know it takes about 125 calls to get 5 Yes’s, after all you were on fire at the beginning of the week. Let me ask you, if you were a professional baseball coach and you had your star pitcher in the game and he was HOT. Striking everyone out for 3 or 4 innings in a row. Would you pull him out of the game because he already was ahead on his quota? HELL NO! He’s on Fire… Let him keep on winning. Well in effect, typical sales people who are shooting for YES pull themselves out of the game every time they are Hot.

If You were a practitioner of “GO FOR NO” (of course you would get up first thing and listen to your Go For No audiobook) your same week would have gone more like this: Monday 20 Calls Gets You Yes.  You Finish Out with your 5 more No’s. Tuesday You are on Fire and get 2 Yes’s in your first 15 calls. But you don’t stop like you would if you were going for Yes. You Still finish out your day with 10 more calls. But Today you actually pick up a 3rd YES because you are on a roll. Since You are shooting for Daily NO’s you show up on Wednesday and start fresh and have to go after those 25 No’s. Somewhere in the day you get another YES on Wednesday. Of course you pay attention to your Go For No audiobook and when Thursday rolls around, even though you don’t feel up to par that day, you finish out with 25 NO’s and find your one Yes! Friday rolls around and you feel NO pressure and you just shoot for your 25 NO’s and still get your one YES. Your grand total, because NO was your focus, is 125 Calls for the week and 7 sales… You are a superstar. Even if you had a donut hole day (the big zero) you still would have been at 6 sales and 20% over your quota. Do that all year and you are THE COMPANY SUPER STAR!

That was a huge concept I got out of “Go For No” by Richard Fenton & Andrea Waltz. By the way Did You know that Jack Canfield, one of the authors of “Chicken Soup For the Soul” has his own Go For No” story. Canfield gets interviewed by “Go For No” co-author Andrea Waltz in a short video right on her yourube channel. Here is a quick “Go For NO” story from Andrea Waltz‘s youtube channel:

You could just try to buy the Go For No pdf. The book is a very easy read. And since it is a book you probably only need to read once or twice to get the concepts the ebook should be fine. Bigger and more complex books I would often recommend the actual book simply because it would be easier to absorb all the information and probably would want to keep a a copy of a more substantial book laying around. But the Go For No pdf should do you just fine.

Co-author of Go For No Richard Fenton likes to say you have to have No Goals. By the way,you can buy Go For No by Richard Fenton at . And NO that is not an affiliate link of mine. Here are some more books by Richard Fenton and Andrea Waltz.

a-cuckoo-in-the-land-of-eagles-richard-fenton-go-for-no   Go For No Richard Fenton   Go For No Richard Fenton   Go For No Richard Fenton   Go For No Richard Fenton  the-fear-factory-richard-fenton  the-most-expensive-cookies-in-the-world-richard-fenton   vision-reality-richard-fenton   what-would-lincoln-say-richard-fenton

What Richard Fenton means by having “No Goals” is that you must have a goal to get X number of NO’s every day if you want to be a huge success. Kind of a cool little play on words by Fenton. He also has authored and co-authored several other books targeting marketing, sales, and reaching goals.  Here is what Amazon has to say about Go For No Richard Fenton:

“In a world inundated with sales books on getting to yes, this book recommends just the opposite, focusing on how increasing your failure rate can greatly accelerate your movement toward ultimate success. Go for No! chronicles four days in the life of fictional character Eric Bratton, a call reluctant copier salesman who wakes up one morning to find himself in a strange house with no idea of how he got there. But this house doesn’t belong to just anyone! It belongs to him… a wildly successful, ten years in the future version of the person he could become if he learns to overcome his self-limiting beliefs and overcome his fear of failure. Through the dialogue of the two main characters the authors have fashioned an entertaining story to present the key concepts essential to sales success. Readers learn… …What it takes to outperform 92% of the world s salespeople …That failing and failure are two very different things … Why it s important to celebrate success and failure … How to get past failures quickly and move on …That the most empowering word in the world is not yes… it s NO! Written to be intentionally short and to the point, Go for No! is a quick, fun read with valuable lessons that can change the way you think, sell, and live!”


One more quick valuable lesson by Richard Fenton was about when you are getting YES’s KEEP GOING. If you have a client that is buying every upsell then obviously they want to buy. Don’t put your own limitations on the sale. Don’t stop selling because they never said No. GO FOR NO! Here is a great video that shows it all:

Now, I did hear rumors about a Go For No movie.  I even found images like this on the internet advertising the Go For No Movie. But for some reason I can’t seem to find it on their site. You are welcome to click on this picture that lead to their personal site but like I said I couldn’t find a Go For No Movie. Yep, NO Movie. sorry for MY Silly play on words.

I would say any one who is in sales or considering sales a true profession should read the book “Go For No” written by Richard Fenton & Andrea Waltz. It could help you create the selling success you need. And Face it, if you you don’t have selling success and that is your business, then you will probably be broke. Go Ahead and check out Go For No right on their Site here:

How To Blog Without Blogging a.k.a Vlogging.

How To Blog Without Blogging a.k.a Vlogging.

So many people don’t feel like they know what to write about or what to put on their blog. I have been giving you some ideas and will continue to do so. BUT, what if you aren’t comfortable with your writing skills? What if you are not the king or queen of grammar and your spelling isn’t that hot either?

Before you start beating yourself up, realize that my good friend David Sharpe started his blogging career with such bad grammar people would email him back and say “stop sending me this Sh%$^ and learn how to write a complete sentence!” David went on to co-create a blogging platform that has paid out $25 million in commissions in just over a year. So NO EXCUSES – LET’S BLOG!

First off, when you are actually typing a blog be sure just to write it like you talk. Just like if you were sitting here and talking to me face to face. Always begin with an end in mind. For instance, if you are just telling a story, where are you going with that story? Is it just to build rapport GREAT. If it is just to teach something you know then also GREAT. But realize that your purpose is always to collect either a name and email or make a sale or build your relationship.

But back to another way to “Blog without blogging”. It’s called Video blogging or Vlogging. Again always know your purpose. Is your video meant to educate or inform or inspire? And at the end you still want your call to action to be clear and specific. For instance, you might end your video with clear and specific instructions on what you want them to do right now. Here is a sample; “If you would like to see exactly how me teaching YOU how to Blog without writing anything actually pays me daily money click the link on the right, enter in your email address, and listen to my partners explain how to get paid for Vlogging.”

So here are 3 quick ways to do video blogging. Now if you paid attention to some of my other blogging challenge posts you have seen some of my different posts. Many of those posts are “educational” in nature and in one of them I actually go in and show you exactly how to go set up a free youtube account. It is very simple to load you created videos to youtube. If you look underneath your youtube videos their is a button that says “share” that if you click on it it will give you a share link. Simply grab that code and paste it into your blog and voila; video on blog.

You could also buy a webcam for as little as $30 if your laptop does not have one built in…
First and probably simplest way to do a video is simply take your smart phone and point it at you and record a quick video of you talking right into the phone. Don’t be camera shy everyone is a star. People like to know you and who you are and who they might be working with and you might as well start building a rapport. You could also take a walk while you talk and show the scenery while you are talking. Most videos should be 3-5 minutes in length unless you are teaching something or telling a story. People will listen at length to a good story and also to get information that they are looking for.

A second way to do video is to add a few pictures or images to a site like or You can add images or pictures or even slides created in a power point presentation or screen shots. You can music and audio. It is fairly simple to download any videos you create in sites like these then upload them to your Youtube account and paste the share link into your post. You can do 30 second videos for free and for less than $5 a month you can have unlimited videos and times. Here is a sample of one I did in animoto.

A third way is to record your computer screen and show people what you are doing on your computer. If you go back to my earlier 100 days to wealth blogging trainings I illustrate how to sign up for a free youtube account and I use use a recording software called Camtasia. It is very good but costs $299 for a one time license. On the other hand you can use which is absolutely free. Even super gurus like Mark Hoverson use Jing to record screen shares under 5 minutes. This 5 minute limit is nice because it forces you to be brief and to the point. Another free software to both record your screen and edit the resulting video is And finally you can purchase Snagit for a one time fee of $49. The point is that you can make some extremely high quality videos for free or cheap that entertain, inform, educate and otherwise add value.

If you want to get paid from a blog just like this one whether you are doing videos or articles


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See You At The Top



Create your first video right now. Maybe a quick introduction of who you are and wy you are working from home.


Post it on you tube.


Add it to your blog. Share your post with others. Put it on Facebook, twitter, your email friends etc….

With that, I hope you enjoyed my post. If so make some comments below and let me know what you think then get your own Empower Network blog and be sure to get it for the $25 special before the they raise the price, start ranking, and making money now.

Doctor Barbara Bellar Comments On Obamacare on Fox News

Doctor Barbara Bellar Comments On Obamacare on Fox News

Doctor Barbara Bellars Word for Word Comments On Obamacare on Fox News

So let me get this straight – this is a long sentence. We are going to be gifted with a health care plan that we are forced to purchase, and fined if we don’t, which reportedly covers 10 million more people without adding a single new doctor, but provides for 16,000 new IRS agents, written by a committee whose chairman doesn’t understand it, passed by Congress, that didn’t read it, but exempted themselves from it, and signed by a president who smokes, with funding administered by a treasury chief who didn’t pay his taxes, for which we will be taxed for four years before any benefits take effect, by a government which has bankrupted Social Security and Medicare, all to be overseen by a surgeon general who is obese an financed by a country that is broke.

So what the blank could possibly go wrong?

No Matter what you think of Obamacare or the current state of the economy. You can create your own economy, opt out of poverty and opt in to wealth. This simple blog has paid out nearly $20,000,000, yep, $20 million in the last 11 months to people just like you. Find the formerly homeless guy on this page and watch the free video that reveals HOW TO create your own wealthy economy.

Battle over Ohio military voting law reflects high political stakes

Battle over Ohio military voting law reflects high political stakes

Will Military Men And Women Be Allowed To Vote?

Published August 07, 2012     By      on

An obscure Ohio voting law is suddenly at the center of a nasty dispute between the Obama and Romney campaigns — months before Election Day, in a case that underscores how the campaigns are poised to fight for every last vote.

The Obama campaign says its court challenge to Ohio’s policy is about basic fairness. The campaign objects to the state’s two-tiered system allowing members of the military to participate in early voting until the Monday before Election Day, while everybody else faces a Friday deadline.

But there’s no denying the dispute is rich with political implications. In a close race, the campaigns are preemptively fighting over a contest that could hold electoral sway akin to Florida’s in 2000.

“I think that everything that’s been done, everything that’s been said is political, on both sides,” said John Goheen, spokesman with the National Guard Association of the United States, which, along with more than a dozen other military groups, filed a motion opposing the Obama campaign’s suit.

Here are a few relevant facts:

  • Polling consistently shows military members less keen on President Obama than non-military. Gallup polling in May gave Mitt Romney a 58-34 advantage over Obama among veterans.
  • Ohio has 18 electoral votes. Obama narrowly won the state in 2008. No Republican has won the presidency without winning Ohio.
  • Ohio’s two-tiered system is unusual. However, Ohio is hardly alone among early voting states in making Friday the cutoff for most voters. Of the 32 states that allow early voting, most of them end that voting by the Friday before the election. Only 11 states allow early voting until Monday.

So why, then, the sudden attention on Ohio’s voting law?

Because it’s Ohio, said Steffen Schmidt, a political science professor at Iowa State University.

“This is one of the states where you can’t not punch back,” Schmidt told

Schmidt said he doubts this dispute — over military members getting three extra days to vote — will amount to an election-deciding moment.

But he said it shows how hyper-focused both campaigns are on just a handful of battleground states, from the ads in those states to the court challenges over voter laws.

Schmidt suggested this could be risky business for the Obama campaign, since “you don’t ever want to really take on the military” or at least create that impression. But he said that if the Obama campaign can put out the message that other voters aren’t getting a fair shake, it could end up energizing non-military Obama supporters in the state.

Meanwhile, the lawsuit — and subsequent challenge from military groups — has turned into somewhat of a political Rorschach test.

Romney’s campaign effectively accused Obama of objecting to military early-voting privileges. Obama’s campaign countered that, to the contrary, it merely wanted to extend that lengthy period for everybody.

“The way Gov. Romney stated [the situation] is completely false,” Obama campaign adviser David Axelrod said on “Fox News Sunday.” “It’s shameful that Gov. Romney would hide behind our service men and women.”

Romney’s campaign countered again, with counsel Katie Biber releasing a memo Sunday defending the state of Ohio.

“It is not only constitutional, but commendable that the Ohio Legislature granted military voters and their families this accommodation. It is despicable for the Obama campaign to challenge Ohio’s lawful decision,” she wrote.

Goheen told that, while military groups filed the motion in opposition to the Obama campaign’s suit, his association actually has no objection to making Monday the cutoff for everybody.

He said the association got involved mainly to make sure “our members in Ohio had a voice,” and is staying out of the politics of the dispute.

“What we don’t want to see happen is a pullback of military voting rights to that Friday,” he said.

Ohio used to allow everybody to vote until Monday, but Ohio’s GOP-controlled government changed the law and created the two-tiered system.

We saw something similar happen in the past with the Obama team.

In Obama’s  first race for office, seeking a state Senate seat in Chicago’s he effectively used election rules to eliminate his Democratic competition. He employed Chicago rules to invalidate the voting petition signatures of three of his challengers. The move denied each of them, including incumbent Alice Palmer, a longtime Chicago activist, a place on the ballot. It cleared the way for Obama to run unopposed on the Democratic ticket in a heavily Democrat district

So in Chicago it appears he used state rules to get his opponents off the ballot and now in Ohio he is actually trying to keep military voters from their rights to vote. Wow. Talk about censorship.

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